Here, in another shrink-wrapped set, are the latest re-issues of four more books in the widely acclaimed Haunted Kids series. Each book sports a new, spooky cover in this second collector’s edition four-pack—the fifth through eighth book in the series—following the initial four-pack of the first four books released in the fall of 2018. Written more than twenty years ago, these books offer spine-chilling ghost stories that are based on, or inspired by, real-life case files. They are designed to keep a whole new generation of readers turning the pages long past their bedtime.
Many people, including kids, claim they have seen ghosts in all sorts of places like cemeteries, bedrooms, attics, schools, roadways, forests and caves. In many cases, experts were called in to investigate these so-called hauntings. Usually the experts walked away baffled. All they knew for sure was that something weird had happened that could not be fully explained.

In this latest four-pack in the series, The Haunted Graveyard and Other Ghostly Stories contains 10 chilling stories of young people who were terrorized by ghosts, often in places outside their homes. Among the stories: The Jealous Ghost, The Greatest Fear of All, The Spirit of the Waverly Inn, The Crying Cave and The Last Goodbye.
Haunted Campers features creepy accounts of kids encountering phantoms at or near their campsites or while hiking out in the wild. Among the stories: Cry of the Banshee, the Rebel Ghosts, The Specter of Number Nine, the Phantom of the Baxter Mine and The Skull of Leaping Buffalo.
Haunted Baby-Sitters is a collection of scary stories about young people who took on what seemed like easy jobs looking after children, but the baby-sitting turned into the most frightening or bizarre experiences of their lives. Among the stories: The Demon Doll, Letter from the Beyond, The Secret Grave, the Phantom Fiddler and The Skeleton Ghost.
The Haunted Shortstop: Ghostly Sports Stories chronicles accounts of athletes and fans who have encountered ghosts—some friendly and some terrifying—in all sorts of sporting arenas from the baseball diamond to the soccer field to the basketball court. Among the stories: Revenge of the Hawk, The Phantom Touch, The Cursed Glove, The Field of Death and Teammate from the Beyond.
Do ghosts really exist? You might think so after reading the eerie stories in the Haunted Kids series.
Please note that books in the Haunted Kids series can be purchased only through school book fairs and Scholastic’s monthly school book club catalogs. However, any teacher who has a Scholastic account can order books for you at or by calling 800-SCHOLASTIC.
For four-pack #2, ask for No. 1338624032.