The New Lawyer’s Wit And Wisdom Quotations On The Legal Profession, In Brief

The legal profession triggers diverse opinions and feelings because lawyers deal with extremes of the human condition, usually interacting with people in times of great need and stress. As famed jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. once said, “In what other [profession] does one plunge so deep in the stream of life, so share its passions, its battles, its despair, its triumphs, both as witness and actor?”

Although the law has changed over the centuries, the relationship between attorneys and clients has remained pretty much the same. It’s still a love-hate affair. No wonder people from all walks of life have never been at a loss for words when revealing their true feelings about lawyers. This 288-page hardcover book features hundreds of quotations ranging from insightful and pithy comments from famous judges and philosophers to light-hearted quips from fictional characters and satirists. It also includes dozens of humorous true-life anecdotes about life in the legal world.

Words have been β€” and always will be β€” the basic tools of the lawyer. Said noted legal scholar Charles Alan Wright, “Whether we are trying a case, writing a brief, drafting a contract, or negotiating with an adversary, words are the only things we have to work with.”

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Phoenix lawyer Clint Batterton was trying to lighten his cross-examination of an anesthesiologist who was a plaintiff in a securities fraud case. β€œI guess that means you and I are in the same business because we both put people to sleep,” Batterton joked. 
 β€œYes,” replied the witness, β€œbut I wake them up.”